Does Mindfulness Have Meaning at Work? (3 of 3)

Why should you invest in a mindful workplace?

From Google to Goldman Sachs, General Mills to Aetna, mindfulness techniques are spreading across the business world as one of the best kept secrets of many high performing CEO’s and companies. You might have a fluffy or touchy-feely perception of mindfulness, however it is versatile and accessible to almost anyone, even the busy and restless.

Mindfulness is one of the best habits to cultivate for sustainable energy, enhanced focus and exceeding expectations. Here is the final blog in this series focussing on the number ONE reason why you should invest in a mindful workplace.


1. Stress Management

One of the biggest advantages to a mindfulness practice is it’s impact on stress. Even a simple mindful breathing technique can quickly shift us out of our stress response. In a calm, relaxed state, we are much more likely to respond to our surroundings in a reasonable way instead of react in a way that we might later regret. We are more capable of remaining calm and focused in the face of challenge and change.

Example: Duke’s study found that highly stressed employees incur an extra $2,000 per year in health care costs when compared to those with tools to manage their stress.

Awake@Intel, a mindfulness program involving 1,500 Intel employees has seen the following benefits: “On average, participants responding to pre- and post- self-evaluation questionnaires report a 2-point decrease (on a 10-point scale) in experiencing stress and feeling overwhelmed and a 3-point increase in overall happiness and wellbeing.

Contact Trish here to bring mindfulness practices to your workplace in a meaningful and practical way.


Does Mindfulness Have Meaning at Work? (2 of 3)